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Did you know ShowingTime products are used by more than 950,000 real estate professionals in the U.S. and Canada for a wide range of business needs? While their needs are diverse, we do receive some common questions more frequently than others. We thought it would be helpful to put together a brief FAQ with answers to some questions we received in the last month.

Of course, this FAQ only scratches the surface of the resources ShowingTime users have at their disposal. As always, our Resources page is an excellent first stop for any questions or insights into ShowingTime services. Our Support team is also available seven days a week by phone, email or live chat. For contact information and hours of availability, click here.

How Can I Access my Billing Information?

Please Note: In many cases, your services are provided in conjunction with your MLS and additional fees will not be required.

Accessing billing information is easy! Simply visit, click on Billing at the top of the page and enter your login credentials. On the Billing page, you’ll be able to see the listings and/or agents that you are currently being billed for. You can even export those details for your records.

Note: Your billing credentials will be different than those used to access ShowingTime products and services.

What is a push notification?

With the ShowingTime mobile app, agents have the option to receive notifications on various activities straight to their phone without having to open the app. Unlike phone calls and texts, which can be delayed due to service provider outages, push notifications only require access to a Wi-Fi or data connection, so enabling push notifications is highly recommended.

Also see: Real Estate Technology Terms to Know



Here’s an example of what a push notification looks like from ShowingTime Live Connect.


How can I send notifications to agents that show my listings?

Note: The ability to send mass notifications is enabled in select markets.

You can send a price change notification or another type of message from within the Listing Activity Report. This message can be just for those agents who have viewed your listing or you can add email addresses to send information to other recipients.

Here are the steps to send notifications through your ShowingTime mobile app:

Step 1: Click on the Send Notification button located on the left of the screen

Notification 1

Step 2: Choose the recipient(s) of the email. You can choose:

  • Agents who have shown this property in the last 180 days
  • All agents in your office
  • A recipient whose email address you manually add by selecting Update
  • A combination of all the above options

Step 3:

Choose the Message Type that this email is being prepared for:

  • Price Change (default)
  • Other (can be used to send notifications of an open house, home improvements, marketing your listing, etc.)

Notification 3

Step 4:

Add any additional email address you which to send the message to and adjust the subject and message as needed. Messages will not be sent to addresses that are grayed out.

Step 5:

When you’re ready to send the email, press Send.

Are you a real estate professional looking for tools that will save you time and money? Learn how the ShowingTime Appointment Center can free up your time to focus on other tasks to grow your business.