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Here are some FAQs ShowingTime has heard from agents and homeowners in the past month:

1. How does an agent request feedback after a showing?
One of ShowingTime’s most popular features is automated showing feedback. We’ll send the first feedback request when an appointment ends and if agents don’t respond, by default, we’ll follow up three more times. Learn more about feedback settings >

2. Sellers often ask how they can send a message with additional showing instructions, last-minute change requests or a question directly to a showing agent.
We don’t allow direct communications between sellers and showing agents, but we encourage sellers to use appointment-specific messaging to communicate with their listing agents. Listing agents can then add a note to the appointment or message the showing agent directly. Learn more >

3. How can I see notifications for my properties in all MLSs, not just one?
Connect your accounts: On you computer, navigate to the My Profile page and click “Edit Profile.” On that page, find the Add Profile button under Login Information and follow the instructions.

Once you’re finished connecting your accounts, you’ll be able to see all notifications in the ShowingTime mobile app.

4. Why am I getting expired URL error messages?
Occasionally we see this question from agents. It can happen for various reasons, but the most likely culprit is having multiple MLS profiles. To connect your profiles, follow the steps outlined in question three.

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